Integrative College Planning and Executive Function Program
This first-of-its-kind program utilizes the college planning and application process to help students develop better executive functioning skills so that they can be more successful in college and in life.
Identifying the Problem
After years of working with students on both college planning and executive function (EF) coaching, I realized that there was a need that was not being fulfilled. For twice-exceptional, or “2e” students with gifts and learning differences, even when I was fortunate to be able to work with them on both college planning and executive function coaching, their needs were not being fully met in either category.
More than just “College Planning”
The college planning and application process is a “trial by fire” for EF skills. Planning for and applying to college requires every single executive functioning skill to be at least operational. So what are executive functioning skills? Why are they so important for the college planning and application process? And how can they be improved before a student goes to college?
What are Executive Functioning Skills?
Executive functioning skills are the things your brain does behind the scenes to get things done. Anytime you need to accomplish a task, whether it’s as small as tying your shoes or as large as starting a business, your brain has to figure out how to make that happen. For more complex tasks, this involves skills like time management, organization, setting goals, and making plans. It also involves more foundational skills like self awareness, impulse control, emotional regulation, and self-advocacy.
Why EF Skills are so important for College Planning
College is not just a continuation of school - it’s a student's first step into the world as an independent adult. Their success in college - and in life - depends on having working executive functioning skills.
For neurodivergent students, finding the right learning environment is paramount to their success in college. For 2e students, finding the right learning environment to challenge them in areas of strength and support them in areas of struggle is even more important. For these students, the college planning and application process can have long-lasting impacts on their lives. I know it did for me.
An Integrative Approach
One day during the COVID-19 pandemic, it occurred to me that the college planning process isn’t just a trial by fire for executive functioning skills - it’s also the perfect platform to help students improve their executive functioning skills from the ground up so that they can be successful in college and whatever life throws their way.
Doing college planning and EF coaching simultaneously wasn’t enough to achieve that goal, so I created an integrative program to help students improve all areas of executive functioning in a way that makes sense for their individual strengths and struggles. It took a year-long Certificate in Learning Differences and Neurodiversity specializing in Executive Function from Landmark College’s Institute for Research and Training to create the framework for this program, and two more years to build it out to where it is today - ready to use with students.
I’m proud to announce that we’re accepting applications for the first cohort in the high school graduating class of 2025 at a discounted rate now through the end of 2023. We’re also accepting deposits for future cohorts, which include discounted EF coaching up to the start of the program.
Let’s talk
Book a free, no obligation consultation to see if the 2e Integrated Program is right for your family